Member-only story
Everything That’s Happened in My Chaotic Life These Past 2 Months
& Why I haven’t published anything on Medium.
3 min readMay 24, 2023
Since I started on Medium 2 years ago, my publishing frequency has certainly varied —
Sometimes I’m really in the groove and publishing 10+ articles per month. Other times, I’m barely putting out 1 article per week.
But for the first time these past 2 months, my Medium presence has gone completely dark. I’ve published absolutely nothing.
And that’s for good reason! My personal life has been extremely chaotic, and I’ve had to ruthlessly prioritize how I spend my time.
Because since March, I’ve:
- Accepted a promotion at work / been busy learning my new job, while simultaneously training my successor in the previous job
- Attended 6 business trips (Orlando →Vermont →LA →Austin →back to Orlando →back to Vermont) that were great, yet outright exhausting!
- Closed on my new house & moved into it!
- Moved out of my old house, prepped it for renters, and officially became a landlord!
- Attempted (in the midst of the chaos) to maintain some normalcy in my personal life