My Top 10 Highest-Earning Articles of 2022

Thousands of dollars in earnings from just a few articles!

Talia Diaz
3 min readDec 23, 2022
Photo by Kevin Woblick on Unsplash

That’s a wrap on my first full year of writing on Medium!

My husband and I are off work for the remainder of 2022. We’ll be spending the next few weeks catching up on some much-needed R&R, and I likely won’t be writing much (if at all).

But, just before I close up shop for the year, I’m taking a look back at my Medium performance in 2022.

Below are the top 10 articles that drove the bulk of my earnings.


#10. The Single Most Impactful Money Hack I’ve Been Able To Pull Off

My husband and I moved from the NYC area to the Midwest and kept our NYC-level salaries. And because the relocation lowered our cost of living substantially, our financial picture dramatically changed.

This is the story of what happened!

Earnings: $152

#9. What I Learned On My Journey From Lower to Upper Class

I recount some of the rough times I had growing up with limited financial resources and discuss how much my life has…



Talia Diaz

I write about all things personal finance, navigating the corporate world, and challenging the status quo. Let’s get to work 💜