Real Estate in My Rural Town is Disturbingly Expensive

How can anyone afford to live here anymore?

Talia Diaz
3 min readAug 13, 2024
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

My husband and I pulled off a life-changing money hack four years ago.

We moved from the NYC area → the Midwest.

The life-changing part? Keeping our NYC-tier salaries, while simultaneously slashing our living expenses into a fraction of what they previously were.

Living in a rural town — hours away from the nearest big city — has undeniable financial perks. In my mind, one of them is an inherent “shield” from the radical cost of living in the cities.

Because let’s face it: the big cities have gotten out of control. I cringe at the thought of “starter homes” in some of these places costing buyers $1M+.

That’s the exact sort of thing I fled from the minute I had the chance…

Hyper-competitive, overpriced real estate markets.

But, as luck would have it, my town isn’t as “shielded” from this phenomenon as I once had hoped.

As I’m writing this, I’m looking out my window at the house next door. It’s currently listed for sale.

Asking price? $898,000.

When I first saw that, I was baffled with sticker shock. But in retrospect, I’m not…



Talia Diaz

I write about all things personal finance, navigating the corporate world, and challenging the status quo. Let’s get to work 💜