Should You Select Your Significant Other Based On Their Financial Situation?

Some may think it’s immoral…

Talia Diaz
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2022


Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

Last weekend, I had a lengthy conversation with one of my good friends who was visiting from out of town. We will call him Tom.

Objectively, I will say Tom is an awesome guy and a total catch in my book.

He is extremely smart, has a lucrative career, is a great dancer, extroverted, athletic, and open-minded…just to name a few. Everyone that meets him takes a liking to him almost instantly.

What’s weird is that Tom is 32 and single, and not by his own choosing.

He actually would really like to get married and have children sooner than later if it were up to him.

But unfortunately, he’s never quite found the right person to settle down with to make that a reality. It’s baffling given how objectively desirable I would assume he is to most single women.

My husband and I are really rooting for him, and we can’t help but be interested to hear updates about his love life every time we see him.

This particular night was no different. Like old friends that haven’t seen each other in an entire year do, we stayed up way too late talking and drinking way too much.

As usual, one of the topics was Tom’s love life and how everything is going for him in that department. We talked a lot about the “non-negotiables” that he is looking for in a partner, and this is where it got interesting…

Tom’s #1 priority in a significant other is that he wants someone with a successful career. He has been abundantly clear that is the biggest make-or-break factor for him when he is considering pursuing a relationship with someone.

I can totally respect that, and as a very ambitious and successful guy himself, it isn’t surprising that he wants the same in his partner.

I have to be honest, if I woke up in his shoes tomorrow, I would probably feel quite similarly.

But then I got to thinking…

How exactly is Tom defining “success?”

There are a million different definitions of the word, and they are totally in the eyes of the beholder.



Talia Diaz
Heart Affairs

I write about all things personal finance, navigating the corporate world, and challenging the status quo. Let’s get to work 💜